When unequal & jobless growth becomes the order of day,When inequality & poverty is at the zenith in the whole country,When the Governments tie up with rich, corporate and land lords and ignore the common man and failed completely in solving their problems, Always there has been only 1 saviour, one who consistently voices for the poor and common man Who Fights for them, fights with them, sacrifices their own lives for the poor Not only as opposition or as people’s movements But also when in power in the state governments within their limited powers and permanent discrimination by the Central governments. Which other states have implemented land reforms extensively ?Which other states have democratic decentralization occurring in the exact sense?Which other states focus on education, health, providing employment & removing poverty ? Please see the attachment for more details ONLY LEFT governments of West Bengal, Tripura & Kerala can give the answers for all these. VOTE FOR LEFT VOTE FOR a THIRD ALTERNATIVE supported by the LEFT To provide succor and relief to the poor and common man.